Diving into Bootstrap

Diving into Bootstrap

We'll learn what Bootstrap is and how it works in this section!


  • I'm sure you've heard of Bootstrap if you've ever worked with web development. This blog will walk you through the fundamentals of Bootstrap and how it works today

What is Bootstrap?

  • Bootstrap is a front-end web development toolkit that is open source. It's a set of HTML, CSS, and Javascript tools for creating web pages and template designs. You can even make responsive websites with it

Supports open source?

  • Yes, Bootstrap is a Twitter-created open source project available on Github.

Why Bootstrap?

  • In general, web developers consider Bootstrap to be a flexible and simple framework to work with. It could be due to its reusable components, compatibility, or reactivity, for example

What does Bootstrap have to offer?

  • Developers may focus on the working rather than the design side, resulting in an attractive website that runs smoothly in no time. It also makes creating appealing Bootstrap templates easier for aspiring site designers. Bootstrap is also simple to master due of its popularity. It includes built-in support for plugins and IDEs. Any editor and IDE can be used to work on it. The source codes make it easy for newcomers to tweak and customize the styling to their liking, allowing them to create their own Bootstrap theme
  1. Bootstrap - is the most widely used framework. There are design templates based on CSS and JavaScript for practically anything you would need. A sizable community

  2. Tailwind CSS - is a utility framework that provides classes that almost eliminate the need for CSS writing. It's ideal for web developers with a lot of experience

  3. Materialize - is a Google-created open-source CSS framework. A material design look and feel is very simple to implement. There are numerous components and they are mobile-friendly

  4. Bulma - is a great Bootstrap alternative. Only CSS can be rapidly integrated into JavaScript frameworks like Vue or React. Customization is simple.

Bulma is a cutting-edge CSS framework that simply works.

  • Bulma is a free, open source framework that comes with ready-to-use front-end components that can be combined to create responsive web interfaces

  • Bootstrap is a set of HTML, CSS, and JS components and interactions that are simple and versatile. The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for creating responsive, mobile-first web projects is Bootstrap. Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox that is free and open source. Bulma is a Sass-based CSS framework based on Flexbox