Table of contents
VSCode: Extensions:
Highlight Matching Tag
VS Code Great Icons
Auto-close tag
Better comments
Stack Finder - The title is self-explanatory. This addon is designed to make finding answers on StackOverFlow and pasting them into your code as simple as possible
Emoji Sense - If you're used to utilizing emoji while coding, this one will come in handy. I'd type:star for the emoji
Bracket Pair Colorizer- This plugin will color them to match each other so you don't get confused about which bracket matches with which
Color Highlight- We frequently forget what color a particular HEX code represents. This addon, on the other hand, is here to help
Path Intellisense- This is an absolute savior. It allows you to use your computer to autocomplete file names and locations. Taking advantage of it to gain so much time
Live Server- This is an absolute savior. It allows you to use your computer to autocomplete file names and locations. Taking advantage of it to gain so much time
Prettier- Every time you save your code, it will be auto-formatted
CSS Peek- will allow you to quickly inspect an HTML element's CSS property
Colorize- will show you a sample of what the color code you select looks like
Code spell checker- will notify you if you misspelled a code instruction or a variable name